When the SCPI server is started the IP of your board will be shown. You need this IP to input into your scripts. Start the SCPI server, which is done by simply clicking the SCPI server icon and thus starting the SCPI server. In many industry environments LabVIEW is considered the standard platform for controlling instruments and other equipment.LabVIEW is a visual way of programming that a lot of users who are not necessarily software developers find it easy to work with.With LabVIEW you can automate the capture and validation of signals and take measurements with less effort than traditional programming environments.You can access example VIs by going to: Help -> Find Examples… then click Search tab and enter Red Pitaya in the Enter keyword(s) field Please consult LabVIEW Help on how to activate/deactivate those categories. Depending on your settings Instrument I/O may be hidden. The Red Pitaya driver should appear after restarting LabVIEW in Block Diagram -> Instrument I/O -> Instrument Drivers -> Red Pitaya. Unpack it and copy the Red Pitaya folder to your LabVIEW installations instr.lib folder, e.g. C:/Program Files/National Instruments/LabVIEW 2010/instr.lib. To set up the LabVIEW driver for Red Pitaya, download the Red_Pitaya_LabVIEW_Driver&Examples.zip file from the Red Pitaya documentation website. Initially it was focused on taking measurements from various lab instruments and more recently evolved into a full development environment that can be used to perform a huge number of mathematical and logic functions, including, but certainly not limited to, basic arithmetic, if/then/elseif conditional statements, case statements, FFTs, filtering, PID control loops, and so on. LABview is a graphical programming language created by National Instruments especially for applications that require testing, measurement, and control with rapid access to hardware.